Intersegmental Traction

This form of spinal decompression is a conservative alternative to the surgical method of decompression (Intersegmental Traction). The therapy works by using a motorized traction to gentle stretch the spine. We want to do this in order to take the pressure off the spinal discs and affiliated nerves and other structures. Candidates for SD are those suffering primarily from neck pain, back pain, bulging or herniated discs, and spinal degenerative diseases.

Is therapeutic modality used in chiropractic and physical therapy to treat musculoskeletal conditions, particularly those related to the spine. It is also known as roller table therapy or spinal traction.

The basic idea is to gently stretch and mobilize the spine’s individual segments or vertebrae. This therapy is typically performed on a specialized treatment table equipped with rollers or a moving mechanism beneath the surface. The patient lies down on the table, and the practitioner can control the degree and direction of traction.

Here are some key points about intersegmental traction:

Purpose: Intersegmental traction aims to accomplish several therapeutic goals, including relieving muscle tension, improving joint mobility, increasing blood flow to the spinal structures, and promoting relaxation.

Patient Position: The patient typically lies down on their back on the traction table. Depending on the specific condition being treated, the patient’s positioning may be adjusted.

Rollers or Moving Mechanism: The table is equipped with rollers or a moving mechanism that moves up and down the spine, creating a gentle stretching and mobilization effect. The speed and intensity of the movement can be adjusted based on the patient’s needs and comfort.

Duration and Frequency: The duration and frequency of intersegmental traction sessions can vary depending on the individual and the condition being treated. Treatment plans are often customized to the patient’s specific needs.

Conditions Treated: Intersegmental traction is commonly used for conditions such as back pain, neck pain, spinal stiffness, herniated discs, and other musculoskeletal issues that affect the spine.

Benefits: The potential benefits of intersegmental traction include pain relief, increased flexibility and range of motion, improved circulation to the spinal discs, and a sense of relaxation and comfort.

Safety Considerations: Intersegmental traction is generally considered safe when performed by trained and qualified practitioners. However, it may not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions or injuries. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider or chiropractor before undergoing this therapy.

Adjunctive Therapy: Intersegmental traction is often used in conjunction with other chiropractic or physical therapy treatments, such as spinal adjustments, exercises, and modalities like heat or ice therapy, to provide a comprehensive approach to musculoskeletal care.

As with any medical or therapeutic intervention, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional who can evaluate your specific condition and determine whether intersegmental traction is an appropriate treatment option for you. This therapy should be administered by trained and qualified practitioners to ensure its safety and effectiveness.